Monday, August 19, 2019

How Mercedes-Benz Drives Fashion In Berlin And Beyond

Berlin’s complex cultural histories are reflected in its street style scene. In 2016, I first wrote about the capital of Germany as “the most under-valued fashion capital of Europe”. In recent years its reputation has been upgraded thanks to an influx of fashion tech startups and international expansion of emerging German brands such as Marcell Von Berlin, IVANMAN, SADAK, and others. It was time to attend the latest edition of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Berlin which has been playing a large role in the city’s fashion renaissance. I wanted to experience the innovative spirit of local designers and see for myself how the iconic automaker’s event management and design knowhow is shaping up the future of global fashion.

Austrian designer Christoph Rumpf was selected as part of Mercedes-Benz Fashion Talents - young designers initiative - to open the week. A recent winner of the prestigious Hyères Festival, Rumpf is making a name for himself in the industry on principles of upcycling and sustainable design. Many participants share this ethos, including the duo behind Richert Beil whose striking collection was rooted in Germanic cultural heritage.

Similarly, Berlin runways are open to relative newcomers like #Damur with just five seasons under their progressive streetwear belt as well as luxury athleisure maker Sportalm which celebrates its 65th anniversary this year. European ideals of femininity were artfully reexamined in the looks from two MBFW regulars Rebekka Ruétz and Lena Hoschek. Meanwhile, designer Danny Reinke had charmed the audiences and the critics with his self-proclaimed “German Nerdiness” evident in the irony and intelligence of styling. Overall, a solid lineup for a wide buyer spectrum and a range of price points.