This is Bubba of San Jose, California. He was adopted by Amber Marienthal in 2009, and has always done things his own way.
Amber’s family tried their best to keep him as an indoor cat, but Bubba had different things in mind. After he made a ruckus indoors, the family decided it was best to let him roam free outdoors.
The Marienthals’ home is situated between Leland High School and Bret Harte Middle School, and Bubba being ever the explorer started to hang out at both campuses.
The schools welcomed him with open arms, and Bubba is now a hit with the staff and student bodies.
Marienthal told the San Jose Mercury News that it’s Bubba’s nature to be friendly. “He’s really social and he has no fear.”
He roams both campuses freely, and gets along great with everyone.
The students like him so much that they’ve created a Facebook page to document his exploits, and it has over 16,000 followers.
There is even a petition going around to erect a statue in his honor.
They’ve even gotten him a school ID complete with an actual picture.